America Search And Rescue

(a non profit 501(c)3 public foundation)

“So others may live!”

America Search And Rescue

Command And Communications

P.O. Box 170302

San Francisco, CA. 94117

(415) 238-2001 Direct

(415) 334-1933 Fax


Frequently Asked Questions and Fact Sheet


What is America Search And Rescue? America Search And Rescue is a 501(c)3 non profit volunteer based public foundation. America Search And Rescue is a Nevada based corporation with goals to spread across the United States and Internationally.


What is the mission of America Search And Rescue? Our mission is, “To assist any federal, state, local, public or private, agency, organization or person in time of need. So others may live!” America Search And Rescue wants to be able to provide disaster relief to any person who needs help. America Search And Rescue provides all available aid available to anyone at any place at any given time, no matter what the circumstances are. America Search And Rescue currently provides aid ranging from traffic accidents to lost children to disasters. America Search And Rescue wants to be the string that brings resources together that share a common goal, “To save lives!”


How is America Search And Rescue funded? Currently, America Search And Rescue is funded by member support, private donations, sponsorships and soon grants and fundraising activities.


What are the future plans of America Search And Rescue? Our future plans include a nationwide disaster relief program, a nationwide search and rescue response team trained in all aspects of search and rescue and a national center that can coordinate search and rescue efforts and disaster relief, provide training and monitor daily operations of America Search And Rescue throughout the country.


What type of volunteers does America Search And Rescue have? America Search And Rescue seeks out all walks of life. Volunteers consist of current employed, retired or former policemen, firemen, military, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, pilots, doctors, construction, teachers, lawyers and other professions.


What type of training is involved with America Search And Rescue’s members? Currently, America Search And Rescue seeks out individuals with past experience in search and rescue and or other emergency service related industries due to lack of funding until our center is developed and funding becomes more readily available to provide on site training.


Who is in charge of search and rescue and how does it work? Search and rescue is handled differently across the country and governed differently. In a lot of cases, except when it is a military rescue, the sheriff is in charge of searches in his or her county. Air Force Rescue Coordination Center is the primary agent who then notifies the state who in turn notifies the county where the rescue is occurring. Of course the AFRCC does not get 911 calls for lost children or missing people usually. AFRCC usually gets involved when an Emergency Locator Beacon (ELT) is activated in most times as a result of a plane crash.


If the rescue happens to be in waters surrounding the United States or in lakes crossing state lines, the United States Coast Guard is in charge who works with the local jurisdictions. Some areas have private organizations provide all the resources. If it is a military crash or rescue, the military takes charge. There are a lot of counties and cities that have little or no resources or need better resources and these are areas of focus for America Search And Rescue. This is true not just for search and rescue but in emergency response or disaster preparedness in general. Most states have mutual aid where other counties, the military and other organizations provide additional resources to those that lack the proper response. Time, however is crucial. Cutting response time saves lives.


What resources does America Search And Rescue have? America Search And Rescue has trained professional individuals, light duty command and rescue vehicles, communications gear, rescue equipment, access to certain crucial data that can be used for to save lives and most importantly volunteers that go above and beyond the call to duty to risk his or her life to help others with self sacrifice. America Search And Rescue plans to expand its reach and provide all forms of resources, including but not limited to, search and rescue, disaster relief, disaster preparedness, safety awareness, outreach and youth programs, food programs and other areas of assistance throughout the country and internationally.


What does America Search And Rescue need now? America Search And Rescue needs your support. America Search And Rescue is desperately seeking persons with fundraising and grant writing experience to bring America Search And Rescue to the next phase of its growth. America Search And Rescue always seeks out individuals with leadership skills to help guide America Search And Rescue into the future. Anyone that believes that they can help is encouraged to join and help the America Search And Rescue help the community we live in. Of course America Search And Rescue can utilize any funding, vehicles (SUV's preferred), heavy equipment or anything that can be utilized..